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Photo Usage

France at Leisure is using a selection of photos on this website that are provided by ATOUT FRANCE (French Tourist Bureau) - PARIS INFO (Paris official Tourist Office) - French regions and City Tourist Offices as well as its local service providers and partners representing travel services on this site.

As we are not always able to verify the copied right or license for every single picture and should you believe that one of your pictures is on our site, please contact us immediately so that we can source the license for this particulate item. Should we not be able to do so for reason outside our control we will be removing this picture straight away.

We thank you and appreciate your understanding

The France at Leisure Management  

Photographers contributions: 

Joël Damase
Robert Palomba
Jean François Tripelon-Jarry
Michel Angot
Martine Prunevieille
Maurice Subervie
David Lefranc 

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